1. Solution for Passport and Driver's License

Technology for People

Solution for Passport and Driver's License

Since 2008, the people behind Kube Data have paved the way for modern passport and driver's license solutions in Denmark.

We work tirelessly to simplify workflow, ensure stable operation and increase security.

We therefore have long experience to draw on when it comes to self- and employee-served solutions for passports and driver's license issuance.

There is less pressure on employees in hectic periods and less downtime for the individual citizen.

The software design is modern, efficient and transparent, and the link to existing public systems protects against error issues and data stream problems.

Kube Data Passport and Driving License Solution:

  • Easy overview
  • Simple
  • Self service

Passport and Driving License workflow

Our solution is there from the very beginning

  • Online


    Application, digital consent and payment are prepared from home.

  • Selvbetjening


    Approved passport photos are taken through self-service at the citizen service.

  • Sagsbehandling

    Case processing

    The case is closed *, the document is ordered and the application is filed electronically.

  • Udlevering


    Upon collection, the citizen is automatically notified and the delivery of the document is registered.

*Cases that are not closed immediately can be parked in the system and closed at a later date.

Other Focus Areas

Solutions that combine focus areas reap the greatest rewards

  • Biometri og Sikkerhed
    Biometrics and Security
  • Effektiv Sagsbehandling
    Effective Case Management
  • Interaktive Løsninger
    Interactive Solutions
  • Betaling og Kontanthåndtering
    Payment and Cash Management